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Can the lithium power station be used while charging?

Aug. 2023

Lithium power stations are popular as portable, versatile energy solutions for a variety of applications, including outdoor activities, emergency backup power and off-grid adventures. Is it safe to use lithium power station while charging?

lithium battery station

A lithium battery power station, also called a portable power station, is a compact device that stores electrical energy in lithium-ion batteries. These devices have multiple power outlets, USB ports, and other charging inputs. Lithium battery power stations can provide convenient and reliable power to charge small electronic devices or provide emergency power during a power outage. During charging, electrical energy is provided to lithium-ion batteries, enabling them to store energy for later use.

As a lithium power station manufacturer, in order to ensure the best performance, service life and safety, Pytes recommends not to use it in lithium power station to minimize potential risks.

1. Lithium power station will increase the risk of overheating when charging, and the resulting heat accumulation may cause battery damage or even fire.

2. Continuous use during charging will affect the performance and life of the battery. The power station's batteries may not be charged optimally, reducing the overall capacity of the battery and potentially affecting its useful life.

To ensure the safety and longevity of your lithium power station, the following recommendations are recommended:

1. Charging in a well-ventilated place: When charging the power station, please place it in a well-ventilated place, away from flammable materials. This helps dissipate heat generated during charging and reduces the risk of overheating.

2. Allow enough charging time: Make sure the battery gets enough power to maximize its performance during subsequent use.

3. Store and use under safe conditions: After fully charged, disconnect the charging station from the charging source, avoid exposing the station to extreme temperatures or humidity, and keep it away from direct sunlight or other potential hazards.
